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Kol Halashon Online Torah Shiurim ISRAEL: 03-6171111 USA: 718-5215231 UK: 208-1917000
Tuesday 24 September 2024 | כ"א אלול תשפ"ד
  • List of last week's live Shiurim

    TypeRav's NameStart TimeLanguage
    Harav Yaakov Paritzky07:28HebrewMussar V'Chasiddus ,Shiurim B'Iyun ,Shir Hashirim
    Harav Pinchas Guttfarb07:17HebrewGemara & Mishnah ,Shiurim on Daf Yomi ,Harav Pinchas Gutfarb - Daf Yomi
    Harav Eli Stefansky07:11EnglishGemara & Mishnah ,Shiurim on Daf Yomi ,Harav Eli Stefansky - mdy